Cybersecurity Consults (Client 1-1)


What to Expect

What You Takeaway

Who is this Service for?


This service focuses on specific client requirements by conducting a series of 1-1 consultations based on the requirements and scope.

Target Sectors

This is for all organisations who need consulting and expert advisory on cyber and data security.

What to Expect

• Personalised Advisory & Consultancy: A 1-1 approach from our cyber security experts to explore the customer needs in detail.
• Guidance & Support: A customer oriented, tailored solution for organisational and product security.
• Personalised advisory on national and international cyber security policies and standards, and certifications.


A personalised experience to understand your organisations cyber maturity, IT/OT compliance levels and cyber resilience roadmap. Gain a full understanding of policies, frameworks and certifications.

Service Info

Applicability: SMEs, Midcaps, and Public Sector Organisations, across all sectors.
Delivery by: Cyber security experts from Atlantic Technological University (ATU)
Service Code: SW100-1
Duration: Service duration varies on a case-by-case basis.
Delivery Format: Two online meetings, concluding with a PDF report.
Price: €2,000 (This cost can be 100% discounted for enterprises (under De Minimis State Aid*) and for public sector organisations)

*Note on De Minimis Aid

De Minimis Aid is a form of financial support provided to organisations by government authorities. Data2Sustain may offer service discounts of up to 100% to eligible organizations through De Minimis Aid, subject to a cap of €300,000 over three fiscal years per organisation. Our team will follow up with you after booking to determine your eligibility for De Minimis Aid and provide further details on how it can benefit your organisation’s digital transformation.

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