Digital Prototype Development


What to Expect

What You Takeaway

Who is this Service for?


This service has been designed for bespoke Prototype Development, the aim being to provide hardware and software to demonstrate a proof of concept. The prototype development will include several disciplines, examples include:

  • Sourcing of ICs, sensors and components to meet the technical requirements.
  • Schematic and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design using industry standard software.
  • PCB Manufacture and assembly.
  • Microprocessor firmware development utilising the latest available technology.
  • Advanced wireless communications appropriate to your application
  • Development of cloud dashboards for data visualisation.
  • Enclosure design which will be manufactured using additive manufacturing
  • Debugging and Testing

Use Cases

  • A recently founded start-up company wish to develop their idea into a physical prototype with the aim of demonstrating their concept to investors. The physical prototype will typically include hardware, firmware and a cloud-based dashboard.
  • An established company wish to develop a new feature to an existing product. The new feature may consist of either additional hardware, firmware and/or software.
  • An established company wish to modernise their current product, this could involve redesigning hardware, firmware, and software.

What to Expect

  • A pre-requisite of this service is to complete the Data2Sustain Service “Development of a Technical Requirements Document”.
  • An on-line meeting will be held with relevant technology experts to review the Technical Requirements document, to clarify any issues and to agree the technical scope of the project. The technical requirements specification will be updated and a work plan developed.
  • Once the approach has been agreed, the work will be carried out as per the work plan. Regular progress updates will be provided to the client.

Target Sectors

All enterprises and public sector organisations


You will receive a working prototype to the agreed requirements and a final report documenting the design, providing guidance and advice on your next steps.

Service Information

Delivery by: ATU – WiSAR Technology Gateway
Service Code: TP114
Duration: Up to 26 weeks
Delivery Format: Hybrid
Price: €36,000 – €45,000 (including up to €1,500 material allowance). This cost can be 100% discounted for SMEs (under De Minimis State Aid*) and for public sector organisations.

*Note on De Minimis Aid

De Minimis Aid is a form of financial support provided to organisations by government authorities. Data2Sustain may offer service discounts of up to 100% to eligible organizations through De Minimis Aid, subject to a cap of €300,000 over three fiscal years per organisation. Our team will follow up with you after booking to determine your eligibility for De Minimis Aid and provide further details on how it can benefit your organisation’s digital transformation.

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