PSO Ecosystem – Digital Priorities Discovery


What to Expect

What You Takeaway

Who is this Service for?


This service aims to establish the priorities of the organisation for digital transformation and the status of enablers to identify opportunities to progress on the organisation’s key digital ambitions.

What to Expect

• Establish the digital priorities in the organisation, digital initiatives underway and digital transformation ambitions.
• Review enablers of digital skills and needs, digital/ IT systems processes infrastructure, status on use and management of data, organisational culture for change around digitalisation, stakeholder involvement and collaboration.


Suitable for Public Service Organisations


• Identification of the organisation’s digital priority areas, the challenges and lay the groundwork to identify opportunities to support the organisation’s digital ambitions. The service is provided in conjunction with a Digital Maturity Assessment.
• Initial matchmaking with potential solutions from the D2S portfolio.

Service Information

• Delivery by: ERNACT Team
• Service Code: ENPSO100
• Duration: 1 week
• Delivery Format: Combination of in-person meetings, online consultations, and email correspondence.
• Price: €3,000. (This cost is 100% discounted for public sector organisations)

*Note on De Minimis Aid

De Minimis Aid is a form of financial support provided to organisations by government authorities. Data2Sustain may offer service discounts of up to 100% to eligible organizations through De Minimis Aid, subject to a cap of €300,000 over three fiscal years per organisation. Our team will follow up with you after booking to determine your eligibility for De Minimis Aid and provide further details on how it can benefit your organisation’s digital transformation.

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